Monday, October 22, 2012

Saturday, January 16, 2010


I'm writing this blog right now from the ICU at the Atlanta Medical Center. I have an oxygen tube in my nose, a heart monitor on, and all the bells and whistles that come with being in ICU. But I have a smile on my face, a song in my heart, and a positive mind. I'll be out of here in a few days. No worries. God IS!!! C I have asthma and it flares up like this right before I'm going 2 the next level in my life. It flares up when God is showing me more of my purpose; but I'm going 2 fast to see it. So this is how He slows me down so I can listen & reflect. I'm bullheaded at times so it takes drastic measures to get my attention at times. This is true about a lot of us right? I know this because this is the second time I've been n ICU like this. Last time I got discharged I went to the next level of purpose in my life. I know this will be no different. Well after the doctors get me back 2 breathing right:) I believe it's because I have time 2 reflect and think about my life & life in general. Please understand this: When you've been close 2 death like I have you begin to understand and comprehend what life is all about and what really matters. What really matters is GOD, living a life of purpose. a LOVING family, health, & peace of mind. If you have these things you are among some of the richest individuals on the face of this earth.-FACT.

See I've made millions of dollars at a very young age, been all around the world, had many material things, & experienced so much that when I say money, going places, & having things is so over rated, TRUST ME, it is. Don't get me wrong I love getting money, traveling the globe, and experiencing new and exotic things. I have a big hobby 4 all types of cars, so I (like most) still love all the material things of this life. I do have ROCKSTAR n lights tattooed on my back. So I'll always love 2 ball out, have a good time, & party:) BUT I realize now there is a time and place for everything. All the things I use 2 do when I was n my 20'z I still like 2 do n my 30'z. BUT the big difference is instead of those things being my priority and coming first they come after my God, my family, my health, & my peace of mind.

Now, instead of ballin out with a entourage of leeches who could care less about me & are only on board 4 the ride, I go ball out with Nicole & our close true real friends. Or I just enjoy staying at home with Nicole, the dogs, & soon 2 be here our son: Prince:) I travel with Nicole and our real friends n stead of the fakers. Instead of doing for people who don't want do 4 themselves, I help others by giving them wisdom & knowledge 2 go make it happen 4 themselves. Life's experiences will teach you a lot once you humble yourself, reflect, seek God, & let Him give you the wisdom from all of your life experiences. God gives wisdom to the humble not the proud. See pride comes right before destruction. No man knows everything about life. It is only when man is in sync with God, will God give him true, sound wisdom.-FACT

Life is about GIVING. The world is so caught up in me me me me me me me, getting that new house, new car, new roley, new yacht, that next big deal, them new tits, new ass, new face etc, that they rarely take time out 2 think about helping others. A big mistake n this life (especially with my african brothers & sisters) is that we horde things because we think it's not enough 4 everybody. So we take the attitude of "we gotta get ours and screw everybody else." But the reality that we are blinded to is: God made everything that u want 2 get, and so much more that u don't even know about! He's a God of abundance not of lack. He's a God of prosperity not poverty. He's a God of Excellent Health not sickness. He's a loving, giving, compassionate, graceful, thoughtful, loving, patient, giving, and every good adjective in the dictionary plus a a trillion dictionaries more! But to really be able to comprehend this you have to be broken.

When I say broken I don't mean broke financially, or hurt. I mean u have 2 go through something in your life that humbles you 2 the point where u say "God if you don't help me, if You don't show me what I'm suppose to be doing, if You don't reveal my purpose to me, if You don't heal me, I'm gonna die." You have to be to a point where you scared that you not gonna make it. That's when you become broken and you surrender ALL to God. I'm so NOT being religious, or spiritual right now. I'm just spitting the REAL TRUTH.

A child can't lead their parent and tell him how to live their lives. A child can't teach a parent how to read or write. A child can't teach a parent how to drive a car or even ride a bike. A child can't teach a parent about history and how to count. A child can't teach a parent about respect. A child can't teach an architect how to build or a painter how 2 paint. And if that child refuses 2 listen, heed, and apply the knowledge that that parent or architect tries to instill in them because they are rebellious, & think they know it all; that child is headed for a life a hardships, poverty, sadness, discouragement, and every other bad adjective you can think of to describe a misguided life. BUT when that child listens intently, patiently, & humbly; then applies everything that that parent teaches them, they will lead a life of purpose, love, happiness, positivity, and prosperity.

Purpose, Purpose- built, Purposed-designed, we all were born this way. God is the parent that created us all. So He knows each & everyone of our purpose. BUT you gotta surrender all ( to Him: The Creator) to understand and truly know your purpose. People not living out their purpose are the people that go 2 that dead end job everyday cause they're 2 afraid that they won't be able to maintain their monthly bills, or pay that car note, mortgage, or rent if they quit and step out and start living out their purpose. Or they simply just don't know what their purpose is. People living outside of their purpose are the people who are always negative, and shoot down anything that goes against the norm. People who are living a life outside of their purpose are always worrying about what they are gonna get 4 doing this & that instead of just giving their best regardless of what they get. People who are living outside of their purpose end up on drugs and True Hollywood Story. People who are living outside of their purpose are the people who criticize, and ridicule the people who are living out their purpose. The purpose driven person is happy, positive, productive, supportive, & prosperous in every way. Not only financially, but physically, mentally, socially, and in their family life. Your PURPOSE will make room for you, and it will make you richer then the richest billionaire on earth.

See I've been a millionaire a few times over and I know money can't buy you happiness. It can't even put a down payment on it. Living a life of purpose brings happiness, love, joy, peace, and prosperity. Money in itself will bring you nothing but fake women who claim they in love with you (but they in love with your money), yes men, leeches, fake family & friends.-FACT If you look at the biggest hip hop stars, and even a lot of movie stars, they are living such a superficial, fake, disillusioned life that they don't even know who they are. I mean when you got more cars that u can drive, and more jewelry on then money u have in the bank, tattoos on every inch of your body, drink-en syrup, poppin pills, doing joy powder, and all the party favors, partying every night, making it rain in the clubs, buying out the bar and the like; you definitely got your priorities messed up and are definitely living a life outside of your purpose. Don't get me wrong get that money!!! Just don't let that money make you. Don't let it define who you are. Rather use the money to enhance your life for the better.

Living a life of purpose will preserve you until you've fulfilled everything you were put here 2 do. But when you let your limited, childish thinking about life dictate your emotions, feelings, & actions you begin 2 operate outside of your purpose. That's when you start living selfishly. You begin to chase things instead of letting the things you want chase you. Eventually you'll self destruct. -FACT You become like a child that tries to tell an architect how to build. The purpose God has designed for your life is one of fulfillment, work, giving, happiness, family, joy, good health, peace of mind, and love.When you build on your own limited, wrong knowledge, whatever you've built won't stand and it will crumble to pieces when life's storms come. Then you will become discouraged, sad, start point fingers, start to drink too much, do to much, and cause yourself to become so depressed that you lose hope. A man without hope or a purpose is like a man stranded on the Pacific without a sail. BUT when you become like a humble, attentive child, and listen to what that master architect teaches, shows, and tells you, on how to build; your building will weather life's storms, trials, tribulations, good times, and bad.

God is the parent. We are the child. When we listen to Him and His Words which are Life, we can live that life of purpose that He's designed us all to live. God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. Some of the things He does and allows to happen we will never understand or comprehend. But He knows best. God will do things to get our attention. If we still are rebellious He'll allow things to happen that will either get your attention or kill you.-FACT What good is salt once it loses it saltiness? It will be discarded.-FACT

We were all created to give. Because we all have a gift that we we were born with. A gift isn't just for you but you must share your gift with the world in order to continually be blessed. God wants us all to come together and help one another. And He will do anything to make that happen. Prime example: Haiti. Look how all the nations of the world are coming together to help a country that has been screaming for help for many years. We ALL were so caught up in me me me me and us us us that we were ignorant. or just ignored the suffering of the less fortunate in our world. We have France, United States, England, Canada, even China sending help to Haiti. Must another earthquake hit Africa before we send aid 2 them? Do we need another 9/11 before we all wake up and come together and fight against the evil forces that would deny us freedom & liberty? I pray not.

In conclusion: Living a life of purpose will prioritize you life. It will show you all the things that really matter. Living a life of purpose will also show you all the things that are superficial, shallow, and foolish. At the end of the day I encourage you all to really begin to focus on you and getting you right first. Because if u ain't right you can't help anybody else. That's 1st and foremost. Then after you start learning you, and getting u together, and seeking God's wisdom; you will then discover your purpose. And when you discover your true purpose ignore the negativity and haters that ARE gonna hate on you and your purpose. You just keep a positive mind, continue to seek God, persistently press forward, work hard towards achieving your purposed driven goals, and you will live a life of contentment, peace, love, happiness prosperity, and every good thing.-FACT

I love you all. Be encouraged. Trust God Not Man. Believe in you. Find your purpose. Live, Love, Learn, Be Humble, Give, Grow, & Multiply.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


When they say "everything that glittters ain't always diamonds is true": IT IS! (actually they don't say that,I just made it up:)) )... But seriously, I'm writing this not 2 discourage u aspiring artists chasing your dreams, but rather 2 encourage u 2 chase them with relentlessness, persistence, diligence, humbleness, but most of all with WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, & PATIENCE. 4 a brief disography on myself google 'Jeffery J.Dub Walker'. (I just love google:)) )...So I know what I'm talking about from living what all of you aspiring artists, songwriters, & producers dream about. I came n 2 the game blindly like most of u. I Got gaffled up, & had my talents used & exploited. But I also went through the fame, bright lights, & fake diamonds. (cause I got most of mine back then from Jacob the Jeweler) I had huge record deals, production deals, publishing deals, ascap awards, platinum records, #1 records, videos, traveled the globe, big houses, big cars, groupies & just balled outta control. I'm only here by the grace of God, & because I have a mission & purpose here 2 fulfill. One of those purposes is 2 give back what I didn't get. & that's guidance.
Be 4 u dive head first n 2 any contract, make sure u go over it NOT with a money hungry, self serving, hidden agenda lawyer. Rather get on the internet with your mother, father, best friend, or whoever u know TRUELY has your back, and could give a .... if you broke or rich, and go through every inch of that contract with a fine toothed comb. & if it's anything that doesn't make sense in the contract or u don't understand, study it until u do know what it says completely. Then afterwards get with a lawyer and have them write up the counter contract with EVERYTHING u want, the way u want it word 4 word. C a lawyer, at the n of the day; works 4 u. Not vice versa. Some lawyers these days pray on the eagerness and ignorance of their clients. Because they know most r so hungry 4 ANY deal that they'll sign ANY deal; & they don't care. Just as long as they get their fee. Some r even in cohoots with the label that you're gonna sign 2. So b very careful and pray that God sends you an honest lawyer with intergrity. Then after the label counters your contract, it's okay 2 compromise, but if in your compromising u feel like u're giving 2 much; u probably r. I believe if it's gonna happen 4 u in this game it's gonna happen. Espeacially in this day n age of internet. U can basically record your own album, promote it, put it out yourself, & get all the money. But, u do really need the machine of a major still 2 put u out there right. At 1st. After they blow u up and u fulfill your contract, I recommend u save half of your earning while u n the deal, then use it 2 put out your own records and get all the money! It's a give and take. But it's a fine line between giving and getting taking n this game.
I call it a game cause it is. But it's more like chess rather then checkers. If u play it like checkers you'll get got everytime. But if you play it like chess; with WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, & PATIENCE, u'll get everything u want out of it and much much more. Don't get caught up n the trends, cause they r here 2 day and gone 2 morrow, & u'll b gone right with them. Rather take time 2 cultivate your sound and craft. Study the greats that did it b 4 you. Find out their formula 2 success, but don't duplicate it. Take it and put your own ideas and aspiration n 2 their formula, and customize it 4 u. That's how u truely win n this game. B very cautious of the pitfalls of success. The money, women, & party favors r all tools that these labels, exects, managers, accountants, & lawyers know about, and sometimes use 2 get your attention off of the business so they can take advantage of u and rob u blind.
So at the end of the day be alert, be alert, be attentive, & stay alert. You r the talent, you're the cacth. U have what they want or they wouldn't even be tryna sign u. When u go n 2 evey deal with that mentality u'll end up with a much better contract then you would if u act anxious & desperate.
In summary know who. & WHO's u r. Respect yourself & your talent. that's the only way that anybody else will respect u. Success doesn't come over night. It takes alot of hard work, then hard work, then even more hard work. It takes relentless persistence, and consistentcy 2 break n the door: & even more 2 stay n the door. But if this is really what u want 2 do, I have no doubt that u will b successful. I love u all. Keep a positive mind. Trust God never man. & all your dreams will come true.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Traditions in the church is a simple weapon the enemy uses, and has been using since the beginning of time 2 divide us, the church. A church divided is no church at all; but rather a club of individual clicks that war against each other. Religion doesn't unify. I believe it divides and tears us apart. Have u ever seen a baptist church fellowshipping with a catholic church? Or the musilum church fellowshipping with the Church of God in Christ church? Let me answer that 4 u... NO! That's because all of those church cliques/religions I just mentioned are divided by religion and tradions of men. Traditions and religion go hand & hand. Until we eradicate, destroy, and remove all of these man made tradiotions; the church will not be a positive force or relevant in today's society.