Be 4 u dive head first n 2 any contract, make sure u go over it NOT with a money hungry, self serving, hidden agenda lawyer. Rather get on the internet with your mother, father, best friend, or whoever u know TRUELY has your back, and could give a .... if you broke or rich, and go through every inch of that contract with a fine toothed comb. & if it's anything that doesn't make sense in the contract or u don't understand, study it until u do know what it says completely. Then afterwards get with a lawyer and have them write up the counter contract with EVERYTHING u want, the way u want it word 4 word. C a lawyer, at the n of the day; works 4 u. Not vice versa. Some lawyers these days pray on the eagerness and ignorance of their clients. Because they know most r so hungry 4 ANY deal that they'll sign ANY deal; & they don't care. Just as long as they get their fee. Some r even in cohoots with the label that you're gonna sign 2. So b very careful and pray that God sends you an honest lawyer with intergrity. Then after the label counters your contract, it's okay 2 compromise, but if in your compromising u feel like u're giving 2 much; u probably r. I believe if it's gonna happen 4 u in this game it's gonna happen. Espeacially in this day n age of internet. U can basically record your own album, promote it, put it out yourself, & get all the money. But, u do really need the machine of a major still 2 put u out there right. At 1st. After they blow u up and u fulfill your contract, I recommend u save half of your earning while u n the deal, then use it 2 put out your own records and get all the money! It's a give and take. But it's a fine line between giving and getting taking n this game.
I call it a game cause it is. But it's more like chess rather then checkers. If u play it like checkers you'll get got everytime. But if you play it like chess; with WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, & PATIENCE, u'll get everything u want out of it and much much more. Don't get caught up n the trends, cause they r here 2 day and gone 2 morrow, & u'll b gone right with them. Rather take time 2 cultivate your sound and craft. Study the greats that did it b 4 you. Find out their formula 2 success, but don't duplicate it. Take it and put your own ideas and aspiration n 2 their formula, and customize it 4 u. That's how u truely win n this game. B very cautious of the pitfalls of success. The money, women, & party favors r all tools that these labels, exects, managers, accountants, & lawyers know about, and sometimes use 2 get your attention off of the business so they can take advantage of u and rob u blind.
So at the end of the day be alert, be alert, be attentive, & stay alert. You r the talent, you're the cacth. U have what they want or they wouldn't even be tryna sign u. When u go n 2 evey deal with that mentality u'll end up with a much better contract then you would if u act anxious & desperate.
In summary know who. & WHO's u r. Respect yourself & your talent. that's the only way that anybody else will respect u. Success doesn't come over night. It takes alot of hard work, then hard work, then even more hard work. It takes relentless persistence, and consistentcy 2 break n the door: & even more 2 stay n the door. But if this is really what u want 2 do, I have no doubt that u will b successful. I love u all. Keep a positive mind. Trust God never man. & all your dreams will come true.